Monsters' Statistics Edit

Pokey Edit

Pokey Animation.png Like a swarm of ants, a roaming pack of Pokeys can devour a grown cow in less than five minutes.
SpeedHealthDamageGoo CostHousingTime
1.2kph20060Goo-icon.png 25010 spaces15s

Octo-ooze Edit

Octo-ooze Animation.png The slimy Octo-ooze soaks up fire power like a sponge so other monsters can wreak havoc.
SpeedHealthDamageGoo CostHousingTime
1.4kph1,00015Goo-icon.png 50010 spaces15s

Bolt Edit

Bolt Animation.png Bolt is fast as lightning and can run ahead of your other monsters to munch on buildings with its razor sharp teeth.
SpeedHealthDamageGoo CostHousingTime
2.5kph15015Goo-icon.png 35015 spaces23s

Fink Edit

Fink Animation.png Found deep inside Amazonia, Fink's chemo-receptors make its attacks deadly accurate.
SpeedHealthDamageGoo CostHousingTime
1.3kph200300Goo-icon.png 1,50020 spaces1m 40s

Eye-ra Edit

Eye-ra Animation.png Warning : Eye-ra's chemical make-up combusts within close proximity to walls.
SpeedHealthDamageGoo CostHousingTime
2kph6004,000Goo-icon.png 5,00060 spaces25m

Ichi Edit

Ichi Animation.png Discovered in the peak of Mt. Fuji, Ichi is one of the deadliest monsters and can withstand intense damage from towers and booby traps.
SpeedHealthDamageGoo CostHousingTime
1.2kph2,00050Goo-icon.png 5,00020 spaces1m 40s

Bandito Edit

Bandito Animation.png Bandito's thick exoskeleton and impeccable accuracy make it the perfect monster assassin.
SpeedHealthDamageGoo CostHousingTime
1kph500200Goo-icon.png 2,50020 spaces3m 45s

Fang Edit

Fang Animation.png Fang's bite releases a toxic venom which liquidates any target.
SpeedHealthDamageGoo CostHousingTime
1.1kph40060018,00040 spaces7m 30s

Brain Edit

Brain Animation.png Cunning and greedy, Brain's pulsating cerebral cortex and high intelligence make him perfect for looting resources.
SpeedHealthDamageGoo CostHousingTime
2kph600100Goo-icon.png 12,00030 spaces5m 42s

Crabatron Edit

Crabatron Animation.png Using its claws to snap towers like twigs, Crabatron strikes fear into the heart its enemies.
SpeedHealthDamageGoo CostHousingTime
1kph4,000100Goo-icon.png 30,00040 spaces12m 30s

Project X Edit

Project X Animation.png A government experiment gone terribly wrong, Project X is programmed to attack defense towers in battle.
SpeedHealthDamageGoo CostHousingTime
0.9kph8001,200Goo-icon.png 60,00070 spaces12m 4s

Zafreeti Edit

Zafreeti Animation.png From deep within the Sahara, comes the mystical Zafreeti healer.
SpeedHealthDamageGoo CostHousingTime
0.75kph8,000400 (Heal)Goo-icon.png 120,000200 spaces40m

Teratorn Edit

Teratorn Animation.gif With its swift wings and fiery breath, the flying Teratorn rains death from above.
SpeedHealthDamageGoo CostHousingTime
2.5kph1,600300Goo-icon.png 70,00070 spaces30m

Wormzer Edit

Wormzer Animation.png Wormzer utilizes his burrowing ability to launch surprise attacks and evade even the toughest walled defense.
SpeedHealthDamageGoo CostHousingTime
3kph600300Goo-icon.png 20,00070 spaces23m 4s

D.A.V.E. Edit

D.A.V.E. Animation.png D.A.V.E. only listens to its master and has a habit of completely destroying bases.
SpeedHealthDamageGoo CostHousingTime
0.8kph8,0001,500Goo-icon.png 150,000160 spaces1hr

See AlsoEdit


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